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Memorandum of Understanding

Iowa State University of Science and Technology is committed to excellence, integrity, the free exchange of ideas and collaboration. It is imperative that the creation, sharing and application of knowledge be a global effort characterized by a profound respect for the diversity of people and ideas. The mission of Iowa State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) is to educate future leaders, conduct mission-oriented basic and applied research and share new knowledge for the betterment of Iowa and the world. We embrace our role in addressing challenges in global food security, food safety, climate change, environmentally sustainable stewardship, renewable energy and human health. These partnerships are forged in countries around the world. 

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

A University contract involves mutual commitments between the University and another party that are intended to be binding. Commitments may be in the form of money or promises to transfer property or services.

A common misconception is that Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) are not contracts. Most often MOU’s and MOA's meet the above definition and therefore should be treated as contracts.

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