Summary of Presenters

Author Title Institution
Dr. Thomas Isenhart Land Use and Water Quality Risks in Iowa Iowa State University
Dr. Gregory Courtney Mountains, Midges and Monsoons: Biosystems of Nepalese Flies Iowa State University
Ms. Masaka Morioka Agricultural Productivity Growth and Improvement of Household Food Security in Nepal Hokkaido University
Dr. Takashi Inoue Agricultural Land Use and River Quality in Eastern Part of Hokkaido, Japan: Deficiencies in Regulation and Necessary Solutions Hokkaido University
Dr. Ju-Hyoung Lee Current Status of Forest Recreation in Korea (pdf) Yeungnam University
Dr. Jun-ichi Kashiwagi Temporal Changes in Soil Fertility and the Attempt to Maintain the Land Productivity Under Slash-and-Burn Cultivation in the Northern Laos (pdf) Hokkaido University
Dr. Yong-Kee Lee How the Korea-US FTA has Affected Korean Agriculture (pdf) Yeungnam University


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