Melissia Law headshot

Melissia Law

  • Study Abroad Advisor
Melissia Law, Study Abroad Advisor in the Office for Global Engagement. Prior to Melissia’s time at Iowa State, she has served in several capacities within International Education and more specifically within Agriculture. Her undergraduate degree in Agriculture Education from Purdue University began her exploration of opportunities within study abroad and allowed her to travel to Jamaica, Ireland, New Zealand, and Costa Rica. Following graduation, Melissia served as an Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor in Indiana before returning to Purdue University to pursue her master’s degree in International Agriculture and Extension Education. Melissia has spent time in China and Malaysia teaching both Agriculture and English and has served as an International Student Advisor at North Dakota State University. Within Melissia’s role as a study abroad advisor, she will recruit and advise students on study abroad opportunities within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Outside of work, Melissia enjoys being outside playing golf, kayaking, and riding her bicycle.


Contact Info

513 Farm House Ln

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