Registration Required for ISU-Sponsored International & US Territory Travel

Registration for Iowa State University-sponsored international travel is required of all faculty, staff and students. For travel registration purposes, US territories and protectorates should be considered as international as well. To register international travel, log in with ISU ID to the Travel Registry Site here. Resources for international travel and risk, including a link to the registration page and information about the global assistance and insurance program can be found on the Office of Risk Management's international travel website

ISU is engaged in a variety of global initiatives and activities including research, service, outreach, recruitment, and study abroad. In order to facilitate these activities, the university needs to be able to provide appropriate resources to travelers, promote the safety and security of these travelers, and comply with domestic and international laws. These resources include providing international travel emergency assistance and health insurance, complying with export control regulations and the Fly America act, advising travelers of safety and security concerns, and providing material resources such as travel laptops and satellite phones. More detail about the policy can be found in ISU's policy library

ISU Global Emergency

Non-emergency claims:

On Call International Travel Insurance
Plan information portal
Portal group ID: 100118CPPD21
Plan documents, contact and claim forms, pre-trip preparation resources

Security, medical or emergency claims assistance:
Phone: +1 603-952-2056 (collect worldwide)
1-888-226-9576 (toll free US or Canada)
24/7 live chat