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EU Ministers visit ISU through US Sustainability Alliance

On October 11, a delegation of EU Ministers visited ISU sponsored by the US Sustainability Alliance (USSA). The USSA is funded by the Market Access Program under the Farm Bill and is administered and supported by the USDA Foreign Ag Service. The core aim of the USSA is to share the stories and values of US farmers, fishermen and foresters and supply chain partners regarding their sustainable practices and conservation programs with European audiences. The delegation's visit is part of a wide range of agricultural policy and public relations activities conducted annually for USSA. The delegation visited the Bioeconomy Institute, the USDA Climate Hub, the National Lab for Agriculture & the Environment and toured STRIPS and the ISU Agrovoltaic Farm. Visitors included: Czech Republic, Ministry of Agriculture: Director of Environment and Organic Farming, Mr. Vlastimil Zedek, Poland, Ministry of Agriculture: Deputy Undersecretary of Agriculture Mr. Adam Nowak, and Spain, Ministry of Agriculture: Deputy Director General Ms. Paz Fentes Piñeiro .

Three ministers with Matt O'Neal at the Agrovoltaic Farm

Three ministers with Ryan Smith touring the Bioeconomy Institute.