September 25: Norman Borlaug Lectureship Poster Competition Deadline

Poster abstracts are now being accepted for the 20th Annual Norman Borlaug Lectureship Poster Competition for Graduate and Undergraduate Students. The competition and display of posters will take place Monday, Oct. 23, 2023, in the Memorial Union at Iowa State University, prior to the Norman Borlaug Lecture featuring 2023 World Food Prize Laureate Heidi Kühn.

Students are encouraged to submit poster abstracts that describe work in the general area of world issues, which could include food, agriculture, climate, nutrition, economies, technology, and more.

Winners of the poster competition will be announced immediately following the Borlaug Lecture at 9 p.m. Student presenters are required to be present for the Borlaug Lecture and the awards ceremony.

DEADLINE: To submit a poster abstract, complete the Qualtrics form by Monday, Sept. 25, at 11:59 p.m.

For more information:

Questions about the competition can be directed to Ajay Nair, 515-294-7080,, or Dorothy Masinde, 515-294-0029,, with questions or if you need additional information.


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