2023 Feeding the World Seminar Series
Times: 3:40 – 4:55 PM
Location: Ensminger Room, 1204 Kildee Hall
Coordinated by David Acker and Curtis Youngs
Date | Speaker |
September 7 | The Role of the US Farm Bill in Food Security Bill Northey, CEO, Agribusiness Association of Iowa |
September 14 | From Poker to Starting and Growing Food Technology Companies Clayton Mooney, Co-Founder and CEO, Clayton Farms |
September 21 | Internships: A Panel of CALS Students Grace Reiss (moderator), Natalie Young, Michael Craighton, and Helena Bridwell https://www.globe.iastate.edu/global-experience/internships/ |
September 28 | Animal Source-Foods: Importance to the Development of People and Economies Dr. Saskia Hendrickx, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems |
October 5 | Summer 2023 Service Learning Program in Uganda ISU Service Learners, moderated by Dr. Gail Nonnecke https://isuabroad.iastate.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=138 |
October 12 | Young Professionals for Agricultural Development: A Global Network Genna Tesdall, Director, YPARD |