2023 Feeding the World Seminar Series

2023 Feeding the World Seminar Series

Times: 3:40 – 4:55 PM

Location: Ensminger Room, 1204 Kildee Hall

Coordinated by David Acker and Curtis Youngs

September 7

The Role of the US Farm Bill in Food Security

Bill Northey, CEO, Agribusiness Association of Iowa


September 14

From Poker to Starting and Growing Food Technology Companies

Clayton Mooney, Co-Founder and CEO, Clayton Farms


September 21

Internships: A Panel of CALS Students 

Grace Reiss (moderator), Natalie Young, Michael Craighton, and Helena Bridwell


September 28

Animal Source-Foods: Importance to the Development of People and Economies

Dr. Saskia Hendrickx, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems


October 5

Summer 2023 Service Learning Program in Uganda

ISU Service Learners, moderated by Dr. Gail Nonnecke


October 12

Young Professionals for Agricultural Development: A Global Network

Genna Tesdall, Director, YPARD


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