Dr. Archana Gopalrao Lamdande, Assistant Professor, Department of Food Processing and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India, visits Iowa State University for a 3-month training program. At Iowa State, Dr. Archana Lamdande is hosted by Dr. Greg Curtzwiler, Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition. Dr. Archana Lamdande received her Bachelor of Technology in Food Sciences from College of Food Technology, MKV Parbhani, Maharashtra; Master’s in Food Technology from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, and her Ph.D.in Biological Sciences from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research–Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Mysore, Karnataka, India.
During her stay at Iowa State, Dr. Archana is conducting research on the photo-oxidation of nutrients in vegetables stored in retail display cases in different food storage conditions. The research focuses on how lighting conditions influence photo-oxidation of light-sensitive foods. While the research area is new to Dr. Archana, she plans to utilize the knowledge gained during her research and apply the findings to small-scale research operations and retail displays in India.
Dr. Archana Lamdande has enjoyed her time at Iowa State University and plans to seek out future research funding or fellowship opportunities that would allow her to return to the US and continue researching related topics. Dr. Archana will return to the University of Agricultural Sciences in Dharwad, India, on April 14, 2022. The 3-month training program between the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, and Iowa State University, Ames, is funded by the World Bank-Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) under the National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP), an Institutional Development Plan (IDP) titled “Augmenting Quality and Relevance of Higher Agricultural Education through Enhanced Learning Outcome and Entrepreneurship Development.”
Dr. Archana and her seven colleagues have gained new experiences at Iowa State University. They wish to extend their sincere gratitude to Dr. Mahadev B. Chetti, the Honorable Vice-Chancellor, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, and a great appreciation towards the Iowa State University-College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the Global Programs office, and all the faculty of Iowa State University faculty hosting the eight young faculty.