September-October 2022

CALS Study Abroad Fair - October 19, 2022

CALS Study Abroad Fair October 19, 2022
Save the date! The CALS Study Abroad Fair is a great resource for students to learn about international and domestic travel opportunities through the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. More information will be available at 

Feeding the World Seminar Series, Fall 2022

Times: 3:40 – 4:55 PM • Location: Ensminger Room, 1204 Kildee Hall

Coordinated by David Acker and Curtis Youngs

September 1

Civil Unrest and Its Impact on Food Security of Ethiopians

Dr. Tamrat Degefa Geleto, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (Virtual)

September 15

We’ve forgotten how to feed ourselves.

Michelle Book, CEO of the Iowa Food Bank

September 22

The Kosovo War, Food Security, and Reactions to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Dr. Behlul Behluli (University of Prishtina) and Jenna Plotzke, ISU student who interned in Kosovo

September 29

Peace Through Agriculture

Ambassador Kenneth Quinn, President Emeritus, World Food Prize Foundation

October 6ISU-Uganda Program: interns and service learners from Summer 2022
October 13

Livestock Production in Uganda

Dr. Gideon Nadiope and Ms. Yvette Nikuze

Active Study Abroad Programs

Winter 2022/ Spring 2023 (Winter Break Travel):

Spring 2023 (Spring Break Travel):

Spring 2023 (Travel in May):

Summer 2023:

* indicates currently active program. The remaining programs will be active in the coming weeks. 

Global Programs Asia Networking Event - September 27

Dr. David Acker, Associate Dean, Global Engagement; and Shelley Taylor, Director, CALS Global Programs, will be hosting a networking event on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, geared toward connecting faculty, staff, and graduate students that interested in or currently are conducting research in Asian countries. The event will feature presentations from CALS faculty and a graduate student currently conducting research and work in Asian countries. Following the presentations, attendees will have time for discussion, mingling, and exchanging of contacts. Event itinerary

  • What: Asia Networking event
  • Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2022
  • Time: 4:10 – 5:15 PM (Presentations), 5:15 – 6:00 PM (Networking/ Social)
  • Where: Room 3650 (Pioneer Room), Memorial Union

Through this networking event, we hope to increase opportunities for collaboration across the college. 

Curt and Ramesh Borlaug Mentors Workshop June 14 2022Drs. Ramesh Kanwar and Curt Youngs Share Borlaug Fellowship Mentoring Experiences

ISU Professors Ramesh Kanwar (Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering) and Curt Youngs (Animal Science) were invited to share their experiences as mentors of Borlaug Fellows at North Carolina State University on June 14-15, 2022.  The Borlaug Fellowship Program, named after Iowa native Dr. Norman Borlaug, is administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS). The program is designed to bring young agricultural leaders from developing nations who possess great potential to drive transformational change in their homeland to the US for advanced technical training.  Dr. Kanwar explained to attendees that the USDA-FAS Borlaug Fellowship Program has its roots at Iowa State University; it grew from a World Bank and USDA-FAS funded project that brought 45 young Romanian scientists to ISU for 6-weeks training between 1998 – 2005. The purpose of this “Young Romanian Scientists Training Program” was to learn from ISU faculty on how to become a successful researcher in different disciplines of agricultural sciences. Borlaug Mentors WorkshopAfter the success of this program, USDA-FAS decided to expand this program to other countries and named it USDA-FAS Borlaug Fellowship Program in 2006. During his career, he trained about 10 Borlaug Fellows from five different countries (Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Iraq, and India). Dr. Youngs has trained Borlaug Fellows from four different countries (Peru, Kosovo, Ethiopia, and Algeria), and he has maintained active and productive collaborations in all four countries.

All CALS faculty members with an interest in starting or expanding international collaborations are encouraged to consider hosting a Borlaug Fellow. Calls for training program proposals are typically released in the spring, with training programs typically occurring in the fall.  As a part of the fellowship program, mentors of Borlaug Fellows are encouraged to make a post-training follow-up visit to their mentee’s home country.

Meet our Student Travel Consultants

Garhett AllenGarhett Allen

  • Major/ Minor: Majoring in Agricultural Business and minoring in International Ag
  • Hometown: Decatur, Illinois
  • Study Abroad Experience: Semester at Perrotis College/American Farm School in Thessaloniki, Greece
  • On-Campus Involvement: Agricultural Business Club and Agricultural Marketing and Management Organization
  • Advice for Students: Do not be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone when traveling. You will learn more about yourself and other cultures by trying new things.


Courtney UhlenhakeCourtney Uhlenhake

  • Majors: Agricultural Business and International Agriculture, Supply Chain Management Option
  • Hometown: Burlington, WI
  • Study Abroad Experience: Semester Exchange to University College Dublin in Dublin, Ireland
  • On-Campus Involvement: CALS Ambassadors, Agricultural Business Club, and Block and Bridle
  • Advice for Students: Take the chance to try something new! Studying abroad allows you to meet new people, see different places, and experience various cultures. Be your true, authentic self, and you will succeed!


Incoming Exchange Students at Iowa State University, Fall 2022 Semester


University College Dublin logo

University College Dublin, Ireland

  • Kevin Barron
  • Cian Corcoran
  • Michael Dever
  • Joanne Hanifin
  • Christopher Martin
  • Aoife Neligan
  • Aisling Phillips
  • Ellen Unger

University of Hohenheim




University of Hohenheim, Germany

  • Josephin Laake

Wageningen University logo


Wageningen University, The Netherlands

  • Paulien Remijnse

 Complete list of our exchange partners  

2022 Norman E. Borlaug International Dialogue

World Food Prize, 2022 International Borlaug Dialogue

The Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (CSRL), College of Agriculture and Life Sciences will be hosting a breakout session at the World Food Prize, 2022 International Borlaug Dialogue:

Date/Time:  October 18, 2022 @ 11:00 am

Session title: Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in Practice in Uganda

Dean Dan Robison will moderate a panel discussion focusing on our 20-year partnership with Uganda. The panel will include U.S. and Ugandan associates from CSRL and the Iowa State University – Uganda Program.

Ezequiel SaenzNational University of Rosario lecturer studies crop attributes at Iowa State University

Ezequiel Saenz, a lecturer at the National University of Rosario (Faculty of agronomy, Zavalla, Argentina), is visiting Iowa State University as a visiting scholar under the guidance of Dr. Sotirios Archontoulis, associate professor in agronomy. The program focuses on researching soybean and corn quality attributes important to the food processing industry. During the 3-month program, Ezequiel will collect and analyze field data and conduct report development. “One of my major goals visiting Iowa State University is to experience the daily life in a top-class research group. Moreover, I aim to enrich my crop modeling knowledge during my stay at the Integrated Cropping Systems Lab.” Read More of Ezequiel's adventure 

Funding for International Travel Available for Graduate Students and Postdocs

There are multiple scholarship opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows through the CALS Global Programs office. Are you conducting research or participating in professional development abroad? Check out these scholarships to find funding to support the costs of travel Please direct questions to Shelley Taylor at

Current International Visitors in CALS

International Visiting Scholars in CALS
Visitor NameDeparture DateHome CountryFaculty HostHost Department
Siyoung Ha10/20/22South KoreaMeredith HorrellBBMB
Fernando Augusto Sales Ribeiro10/31/22BrazilThomas LubberstedtAGRON
Nathalia Campos Vilela Resende10/31/22BrazilThomas LubberstedtAGRON
Behlul Behluli11/18/22Kosovo* (Fulbright)Curtis YoungsAN SCI
Jieun Lee11/30/22South KoreaDong AhnAN SCI
Marina Chagas Costa11/30/22BrazilThomas LubberstedtAGRON
Abil Dermail12/15/22ThailandThomas LubberstedtAGRON
Mercedes Barat Carnino12/15/22ArgentinaSotirios ArchontoulisAGRON
Akmaral Shokanova12/31/22KazakhstanMark GleasonPPLP
Palloma Indiara Caproni Morais12/31/22BrazilThomas LubberstedtAGRON
Yedilbayev Bauyrzhan12/31/22KazakhstanJacek KozielABE
Aunchana Chaimala03/31/23ThailandMark GleasonPPLP
Nur Ilkay Abaci07/31/23ThailandMark GleasonPPLP
Recep Yavuz09/26/23TurkeyThomas LubberstedtAGRON
International Student Interns in CALS
Visitor NameDeparture DateHome InstitutionFaculty HostHost Department
Eavangelos Kalogiros11/15/2022University of the Aegean, GreeceSotirios ArchontoulisAGRON
Jose Riberio12/20/2022University of Sao Paulo, BrazilSotirios ArchontoulisAGRON
Agustin Listello12/20/2022Universidad Nacional de Rosario, ArgentinaSotirios ArchontoulisAGRON
Ruan Pereira11/30/2022FCAV/UNESP Jaboticabal University, BrazilMark LichtAGRON
Vinicius Trevisan11/30/2022FCAV/UNESP Jaboticabal University, BrazilMark LichtAGRON

Iowa State University Study Abroad Fair - September 15

Iowa State University Study Abroad Fair Fall 2022
The CALS Study Abroad Office will be in attendance to share upcoming travel abroad opportunities through our college.

Calendar of Events

ISU Global Emergency

Non-emergency claims:

On Call International Travel Insurance
Plan information portal
Portal group ID: 100118CPPD21
Plan documents, contact and claim forms, pre-trip preparation resources

Security, medical or emergency claims assistance:
Phone: +1 603-952-2056 (collect worldwide)
1-888-226-9576 (toll free US or Canada)
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