Kurt Rosentrater teaches analysis of food systems course in Lyon, France

Kurt Rosentrater teaches course at ISARA
Photo credit: Agrapole, ISARA, Lyon

Kurt Rosentrater, an associate professor in agricultural and biosystems engineering and food science and human nutrition at Iowa State University, USA, arrived yesterday at ISARA for ten days and will teach 40 hours as part of the MSc Sustainable Food Systems / DA SDFI. The course will focus on the coupling of life cycle analysis and techno-economic analysis of food systems. Rosentrater is a visiting professor at ISARA,  where he teaches and also co-supervises several MSc Sustainable Food Systems master thesis. This academic cooperation has existed for three years now.

The collaboration between Iowa State University and ISARA started when Sami Ghnimi, associate professor at ISARA, got to know Kurt thanks to the Call for Teaching, a document transmitted by France Agro3 to seek external speakers on specific themes. Anais OSTERGAARD ​​will be on a mission in the USA in October, and she plans to visit other ISU to continue discussions concerning exchanges/interactions between French and American students.

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