CALS Announces Asia Networking Event - September 27, 2022

Dr. David Acker, Associate Dean, Global Engagement; and Shelley Taylor, Director, CALS Global Programs, will be hosting a networking event on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, geared toward connecting faculty, staff, and graduate students that interested in or currently are conducting research in Asian countries. The event will feature presentations from CALS faculty and a visiting scholar currently conducting research and work in Asian countries. Following the presentations, attendees will have time for discussion, mingling, and exchanging of contacts.

  • What: Asia Networking event
  • Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2022
  • Time: 4:10 – 5:15 PM (Presentations), 5:15 – 6:00 PM (Networking/ Social)
  • Where: Room 3560 (Pioneer Room), Memorial Union

Through this networking event, we hope to increase opportunities for collaboration across the college.

Time Presentation Presenter
4:10 PM Welcome Shelley Taylor, Director, CALS Global Programs
4:15 PM Research and other initiatives with Asian Countries, especially current ongoing projects in India and Cambodia Rameshwar Kanwar, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
4:25 PM A two-year grant from the USDA’s Foreign Agriculture Service is enabling the Seed Science Center to strengthen the capacities of national seed and biosafety authorities in Asia to conduct research on biotechnology applications, spearhead biotech-related policy reforms, and advance seed production and trade. Lulu Rodriguez, Seed Science Center
4:35 PM Maize Haploid Inducer Development for Tropical Environments in Thailand Abil Dermail, visiting scholar from Khon Kaen University
4:45 PM A robust visiting scholars program focused on livestock genetics. James Reecy, Associate Vice President for Research
4:55 PM Interventions to Assist Smallholder Dairy and Poultry Farmers in Bangladesh Curtis Youngs, Animal Science
5:05 PM Leading faculty-led study abroad programs in China Kevin Duerfeldt, Horticulture
5:15 - 6:00 PM Social/ Networking  


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