2022 Feeding the World Seminar Series

2022 Feeding the World Seminar Series

Times: 3:40 – 4:55 PM

Location: Ensminger Room, 1204 Kildee Hall

Coordinated by David Acker and Curtis Youngs



September 1

Civil Unrest and Its Impact on Food Security of Ethiopians

Dr. Tamrat Degefa Geleto, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (Virtual)

September 15

We’ve forgotten how to feed ourselves.

Michelle Book, CEO of the Iowa Food Bank

September 22

The Kosovo War, Food Security, and Reactions to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Dr. Behlul Behluli (University of Prishtina) and Jenna Plotzke, ISU student who interned in Kosovo

September 29

Peace Through Agriculture

Ambassador Kenneth Quinn, President Emeritus, World Food Prize Foundation

October 6

ISU-Uganda Program: interns and service learners from Summer 2022

October 13

Livestock Production in Uganda

Dr. Gideon Nadiope and Ms. Yvette Nikuze


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