NEW Cystart Procedure for Very Short-Term International Visitors

International Students and Scholars Office request that you take the following steps in CyStart for your short-term international visitors who are exempt from the ISU Visiting Scholar Policy* and who do not need UIDs, ISU ID cards, or SSHIP coverage:

  • Add the person to Cystart (if they have not previously been at ISU)
  • Give them access to complete the Other Visiting Scholar/Employee e-form

This will help ISSO keep better track of all international visitors on campus for statistical purposes and in case an emergency situation arises.

*For a list of visitors exempt from the ISU Visiting Scholar Policy please see the “Exclusions” section of the Visiting Scholar Policy here:

ISU Global Emergency

Non-emergency claims:

On Call International Travel Insurance
Plan information portal
Portal group ID: 100118CPPD21
Plan documents, contact and claim forms, pre-trip preparation resources

Security, medical or emergency claims assistance:
Phone: +1 603-952-2056 (collect worldwide)
1-888-226-9576 (toll free US or Canada)
24/7 live chat