Beyond the Bench: Embracing Science Advocacy Presentation
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 • 4:00-5:00p.m.
0013 Curtiss Hall
Sarah Evanega, Professor, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research was announced as the 2021 Borlaug CAST Communication Award Winner and will be presenting "Beyond the Bench: Embracing Science Advocacy" at Iowa State University as part of her visit. The presentation will take place on Tuesday, October 19, 2021 from 4:00-5:00p.m. in 0013 Curtis Hall.
In agriculture, we face the great challenge of feeding a growing population while at the same time addressing the climate catastrophe. This unprecedented challenge requires new approaches to science advocacy as the current climate in many countries is one where truths are blurred by fake news, scientific consensuses are selectively upheld, and future funding for science seems uncertain. Now, more than ever we need to move beyond deficit models of science communication and take on more active roles as science advocates.
During her presentation, Evanega will talk about how the work they are doing at the Alliance for Science is building champions who are effectively advocating for science-informed policy making so that mis-construed genomic tools, such as genetic engineering and genome editing, can be used address the grand challenges we face today.
Sarah Davidson Evanega Biography