Consortium for Innovation in Post-Harvest Loss in the Kamuli District of Uganda

Dr. David Acker, Director for the Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods, along with Dr. Tom Brumm, Associate Director for the Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods and Mary and Charles Sukup Global Professor in Food Security in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, participated in a Consortium that discussed the deeply integrated partnership between Iowa State University and the communities and institutions in the Kamuli district of Uganda. This partnership has given rise to a host of innovative programs in the Kamuli district (agriculture, health, and education) and it represents a living laboratory for deeply integrated development interventions. The Consortium is directly involved in programs related to nutrition security and post-harvest loss reduction. 

During this webinar, panelists provided an overview of the project in the Kamuli district and discussed implementation strategies that improve nutrition security and reduce post-harvest losses. The webinar demonstrated how the partnership is reducing the contamination of aflatoxins in grain and coordinating a subsidy program to increase the use of plastic hermetic silos to reduce post-harvest loss. Panelists discussed the potential to replicate this unique development and philanthropic model in other Ugandan communities and throughout the African continent to improve food security.

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