This award is made possible through an endowment generously established by Kathleen M. Brown in honor of her husband Gordon D. Brown.
To support international experience for graduate or postdoctoral students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences who intend to study abroad for research purposes, as determined by the administering authority.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible candidates must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences with a need to study abroad for research purposes, as determined by the administering authority. Candidates must be a student of graduate class standing.
Application Procedures
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Applicants should submit a 1-2 page proposal to Shelley Taylor, Director, Global Programs, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 0018 Curtiss Hall, The proposal should include the following information:
- Name and contact information of the applicant
- Name and contact information of ISU and international collaborator(s) applicant will work with
- Description, expected dates and location of the international experience the applicant will pursue
- Clear indication of how the grant will advance the applicant's professional preparation for a career in international agriculture
- Budget request (with estimates of all expenses)
- Level and nature of cost sharing or in-kind contributions by any parties
- Signature of major/supervising professor indicating their endorsement
A final report will be required within 1 month of the completion of international experience to be submitted to the Global Programs office with a copy sent to the major/supervising professor. The report should not exceed 3 pages and should include a description of activities, with an indication of the budget spent. Any funds from the scholarship not spent, should be returned to the fund.
All questions about this scholarship should be directed to Shelley Taylor, 515-294-5393