College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/
Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station
Iowa State University
Application Deadline: Accepted on a rolling basis
Global Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
0018 Curtiss Hall
Iowa State University
Phone: 515-294-5393
FAX: 515-294-9477
Web Page:
The purpose of the grant program is to expand and strengthen international research collaboration on problems of mutual interest to the citizens of Iowa and cooperating countries. Seed money available through this program will enable eligible ISU faculty and staff to work with international collaborators to develop a research proposal(s) for external funding.
Directions for Submitting Proposals
Proposals (limited to 3 pages) are to be submitted by e-mail to Shelley Taylor ( with the following information:
- Title of proposal
- Name and address (including e-mail) of ISU Principal Investigator(s)
- Name and address (including name of their institution) of international collaborator(s)
- Description of subject area of the joint proposal you will develop with international collaborator
- Brief description of previous experience relevant to this proposal
- Clear indication of how the grant will lead to the development of a proposal for externally-funded research
- Brief description of the relationship to Department, College and University strategic plans
- Budget request (specify amounts for travel, supplies, communication). Funds may not be used for salaries or equipment.
- Implementation timetable for use of funds
- Level and nature of departmental/PI cost sharing
- Department Chair indication of support for proposal (e-mail preferred).
Output Expected from the Grant
A proposal for external funding to expand international research collaboration is expected from grantees. In lieu of a final report, an information copy of the gold sheet should be sent to Shelley Taylor, Global Programs, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 0018 Curtiss Hall.
Evaluation Criteria
- Overall quality of the proposal
- Probability of the award leading to an externally-funded research activity
- Contribution to competitiveness/sustainability of Iowa agriculture, communities, and natural resources
- Promotion of substantial involvement of faculty/staff in international research
- Contribution to University, College and Departmental strategic plans
- Evidence of plans to leverage or match these funds and Department Chair indication of support
Eligible Applicants
Faculty and staff with appointments in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Extension to Agriculture, or Extension to Communities are eligible and encouraged to submit proposals. Interdepartmental, inter-college and team proposals are encouraged. For previous grant recipients, the application must include a listing of external grants applied for as a result of previous funding, the success of those applications, and a listing of publications developed as a result of previous funding from the Dean of Agriculture and Life Science's Global Research Grants Program.
Selection and Funding
A multi-departmental faculty and staff committee will select the best-qualified proposals. Announcement of successful proposals will be made within 2 weeks of receipt of complete proposal. Awards ranging from $1,000 - $2,000 are anticipated.
For Additional Information
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences has existing agreements with institutions in over 25 countries. These agreements may provide a starting point for developing a working relationship with an institution abroad. A list of these agreements is available in the Partnerships section of the Global Programs website.
Other Sources of Support
At ISU: Applicants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with other sources of funding available at ISU to support international activities. Since other sources of support exist for projects with a primary objective of initiating and implementing study abroad activities, internationalization of curricula, and for participating in international professional conferences, no funding will be provided by the Dean of Agriculture and Life Sciences Global Research Grants Program for these activities.
Foreign Travel Grants
Faculty are encouraged to submit applications to the Dean of Agriculture and Life Science's office in September, January, and March